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NPL Access Evaluation

Evaluating Protocol Access

Within NPL, there is no JWT, only an NPL Party type. The bound claims are specified during instantiation of such a Party.

To create an instance of an NPL Party, use the partyOf method.

In order to compare an NPL Party to another or access its claims, see NPL Party methods.

In the following example the bound claims are those of ISSUER and PAYEE, respectively

function getIssuerParty() returns Party -> {
    return partyOf(
        mapOf(Pair("party", setOf("issuer"))),
        mapOf<Text, Set<Text>>()

function getPayeeParty() returns Party -> {
    return partyOf(
        mapOf(Pair("party", setOf("payee"))),
        mapOf<Text, Set<Text>>()

function test_instantiation(test: Test) -> {
    var issuer = getIssuerParty();
    var payee = getPayeeParty();
    var iou = Iou[issuer, payee](100);


As seen here it is possible to refer to other protocols. When calling a permission of a protocol reference, the same access evaluation process happens. Since we are operating within NPL, we have at least one calling party and one bound party. Assuming that the calling party has access to the protocol reference, as soon as access is given and the permission is executed, party representation takes place. Party representation is when the calling party becomes the bound party on the called protocol. The calling party has the right to represent the bound party because of the matching claims. However, in this context, the calling party is now known as the bound party.


In the following example, the landlord collects rent and deposits it in the bank. In the RentalContract the party is known as the landlord but when deposit is called, the party is no longer the landlord but the accountHolder. The landlord is now representing the accountHolder party. The landlord party has the access to represent the accountHolder and in effect, becomes the accountHolder. Practically, this means that the claims are now identical to those that were originally bound during the Bank instantiation. That is to say, any claims that the landlord party had that the accountHolder didn't, are not transferred to the accountHolder. landlord is not known to the Bank protocol.

Note: See Claims Evaluation for matching rules

protocol[renter] Renter() {
    permission[renter] payRent(amount: Number) returns Number { return 100; };

protocol[accountHolder] Bank() {
    permission[accountHolder] deposit(amount: Number) { };

protocol[landlord, renter] RentalContract(var rent: Renter, var bank: Bank) {
    permission[landlord] collect(amount: Number) {