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Read Model


The Operating Engine offers the GraphQL Read Model, which is described here. The Read Model is a separate application that provides the GraphQL API.


Docker image

The Read Model is provided as a docker image which includes a default configuration. It uses the same versioning as the rest of the platform (including, most importantly, the engine).


The Read Model runs on port 5555 by default.

Database user

A dedicated database user for the Read Model should be created and configured for the application to start. The read model database user does not manage its own schema, but it must access the data. Make sure to provide it with GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE privileges.

Refer to the example setup for more details.

Environment variables


These are the environment variables for the engine application, needed to enable the Read Model application setup (disabled by default).

Environment variable Description Default value
ENGINE_DB_READ_MODEL_USER Engine DB - Read Model user n/a (optional value)

Read Model

The following environment variables can be configured for the Read Model:

Environment variable Description Default value Example value
READ_MODEL_PORT Read Model API port 5555
READ_MODEL_DB_URL Database - URL n/a (mandatory value) postgres://read_model:read_model_pwd@localhost:5432/platform
READ_MODEL_DB_SCHEMA Database - schema noumena
READ_MODEL_DB_USER Database - user read_model
READ_MODEL_ENGINE_HEALTH_ENDPOINT Startup - Engine application healthcheck URL http://localhost:12000/actuator/health
READ_MODEL_ENGINE_HEALTH_TIMEOUT_SECONDS Startup - Time in seconds to wait for the Engine application startup 5


The following environment variables can be configured to set up the Read Model's integration with the authentication server(s):

Environment variable Description Default value Example value
READ_MODEL_ALLOWED_ISSUERS Comma-delimited list of trusted JWT issuers. JWTs are only accepted if the value in the iss field matches one of these values exactly. http://localhost:11000/realms/noumena
READ_MODEL_ISSUER_OVERRIDE Instead of extracting the issuer from the iss field, always use this URL as the issuer; for development purposes only

Example setup

Database user setup

The following SQL script creates a dedicated database user for the Read Model.

-- the use of 'noinherit' is regarded good practice, Read Model user privileges are obtained by explicit 'set role'
create role read_model login password <pwd> noinherit;
grant connect on database mydatabase to read_model;

Docker configuration

The engine will provide all database-level privileges needed for the Read Model database user. For this to happen, make sure to configure the variables that are related to the engine, i.e. ENGINE_DB_READ_MODEL_USER.

Make sure to always deploy the same application versions of both the Engine and the Read Model Docker images.

# engine application (listed below is only the configuration specific to the Read Model application)
    - postgres_db
  # ...
    # ...
    ENGINE_DB_URL: "jdbc:postgresql://postgres_db/platform"
    ENGINE_DB_SCHEMA: engine-schema
    ENGINE_DB_USER: engine
    ENGINE_DB_PASSWORD: engine_pwd
    # setup Read Model DB user

# Read Model
    - engine
    - "${READ_MODEL_PORT:-5555}:5555"
    READ_MODEL_DB_URL: "jdbc:postgresql://read_model:read_model_pwd@postgres_db/platform"
    READ_MODEL_DB_SCHEMA: engine-schema
    READ_MODEL_DB_USER: read_model
    READ_MODEL_ALLOWED_ISSUERS: "http://keycloak:11000/realms/noumena"
    READ_MODEL_ENGINE_HEALTH_ENDPOINT: "http://engine:12000/actuator/health"

For further configuration options, see environment variables (Read Model).

A complete docker compose file example can be found here.