Engine application
The Operating Engine consists of the engine application, and its companion applications:
This document describes the setup for the engine application.
Docker image
The engine application is provided as a docker image which includes a default configuration.
The engine application runs on port 12000
by default. The engine admin endpoints are exposed on port 12700
default. The engine management endpoints are exposed on port 12400
by default.
Database user
A dedicated database user for the engine application should be created and configured for the application to start
(refer to the example setup). Since the engine application manages its own database schema, make
sure to provide it with GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE
Environment variables
Deprecated environment variables and changes in default values of feature flags are documented here.
Feature flags
The following environment variables can be configured to enable or disable feature flags:
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
FEATURE_NON_STANDARD_NPL_TYPES | Feature flag - enables recognition of non-standard types as NPL types to prevent redefinition | false |
FEATURE_MIGRATION_ENFORCE_TAG | Feature flag - enables tag enforcement | false |
The following environment variables can be configured for the engine application:
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
ENGINE_DEV_MODE | Engine running mode - indicates whether application runs in development mode | false |
ENGINE_SPRING_ACTUATOR_EXPOSE | Engine monitoring - exposed Spring actuator endpoints | info,health,service-health,metrics,prometheusmetrics |
ENGINE_ADVERTISED_BASE_URL | Engine advertised base URL. Used to produce NPL API paths. | http://localhost:12000 |
ENGINE_PORT | Engine Core API port | 12000 |
ENGINE_ADMIN_HOST | Engine Admin API host | |
ENGINE_ADMIN_PORT | Engine Admin API port | 12700 |
ENGINE_MANAGEMENT_HOST | Engine Management API host | |
ENGINE_MANAGEMENT_PORT | Engine Management API port | 12400 |
ENGINE_MANAGEMENT_ARCHIVE_SIZE_LIMIT | Engine Management API archive size limit | 10000000 |
ENGINE_NPL_MIGRATION_DIRECTORY_PATH | NPL migrations - path to the folder where the NPL migration artifacts reside | /migrations |
ENGINE_NPL_MIGRATION_RUN_ONLY | NPL migrations - environment identifier tag to be matched against change descriptor attribute 'run-only' values |
ENGINE_SESSION_STATE_READ_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES | Runtime session - state read cache size | 500 |
ENGINE_STREAMS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE | Streams - buffer streams until maximum size has been reached | 50 |
ENGINE_STREAMS_BUFFER_MAX_TIMEOUT | Streams - buffer streams until timeout has elapsed | PT0.5S |
ENGINE_PROTOBUF_DESER_RECURSION_LIMIT | Protobuf - deserialization recursion limit | 100 |
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
ENGINE_DB_URL | Engine DB - URL | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/platform |
ENGINE_DB_USER | Engine DB - user | platform_owner |
ENGINE_DB_PASSWORD | Engine DB - password | n/a (mandatory value) |
ENGINE_DB_SCHEMA | Engine DB - schema | noumena |
ENGINE_DB_HISTORY_USER | Engine DB - History user | n/a (optional value) |
ENGINE_DB_HISTORY_SCHEMA | Engine DB - History schema | history |
ENGINE_DB_READ_MODEL_USER | Engine DB - Read Model user | n/a (optional value) |
ENGINE_DB_SSL | Engine DB - use SSL | false |
ENGINE_DB_POOL_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE | Engine DB - maximum size of the connection pool | 10 |
ENGINE_DB_POOL_MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_LIFETIME | Engine DB - maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool | PT30M |
AMQP publication
The following environment variables can be configured to set up the engine's publication of notifications to an AMQP broker:
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
AMQP_BROKER_URL | The URL of the AMQP broker. AMQP publication will be completely disabled if this is left unset. |
AMQP_QUEUE_NAME | The name of the queue to publish notifications to. | messages |
AMQP_USERNAME | The username to use when connecting to the broker. | guest |
AMQP_PASSWORD | The password to use when connecting to the broker. |
AMQP_POLLING_PERIOD_SECONDS | The period between polling the internal publication queue for new notifications to publish. | 5 |
AMQP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS | The timeout for establishing a connection to the broker. | 5 |
AMQP_BATCH_SIZE | The maximum number of notifications to retrieve from the internal postgres queue. Does not affect the client publication behaviour. | 10 |
NPL Contributor Libraries
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
NPL_CONTRIB_PATH | The default location of NPL contributor libraries. | /npl-contrib |
The following environment variables can be configured to set up the engine's integration with the authentication server(s):
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
ENGINE_ALLOWED_ISSUERS | Comma-delimited list of trusted JWT issuers. JWTs are only accepted if the value in the iss field matches one of these values exactly. |
http://localhost:11000/realms/noumena |
ENGINE_ISSUER_OVERRIDE | Instead of extracting the issuer from the iss field, always use this URL as the issuer; for development purposes only |
The following environment variables can be configured for finer control of the engine application's logging:
Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example value |
ENGINE_LOG_CONFIG | Logging configuration (file path) | n/a (optional value) | classpath:/logback-json.xml |
ENGINE_ROOT_LOG_LEVEL | Logging level (root) | INFO |
ENGINE_LOG_LEVEL | Logging level - Engine application | INFO |
ENGINE_AUTH_LOG_LEVEL | Logging level - Authentication | INFO |
ENGINE_SPRING_LOG_LEVEL | Logging level - Spring | INFO |
ENGINE_REQUEST_LOG_LEVEL | Logging level - Http requests | WARN |
Swagger UI
The following environment variables can be configured to set up the engine application's Swagger UI:
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
SWAGGER_ENGINE_URL | Swagger UI - URL to connect to the Engine Core API | ENGINE_ADVERTISED_BASE_URL |
SWAGGER_ENGINE_ADMIN_URL | Swagger UI - URL to connect to the Engine Admin API | http://${ENGINE_ADMIN_HOST}:${ENGINE_ADMIN_PORT} |
SWAGGER_SECURITY_AUTH_URL | Swagger UI - URL to connect to the Authentication API | http://localhost:11000/realms/noumena |
SWAGGER_SECURITY_CLIENT_ID | Swagger UI - IAM client ID | nm-platform-service-client |
SWAGGER_SECURITY_CLIENT_SECRET | Swagger UI - IAM client secret | 87ff12ca-cf29-4719-bda8-c92faa78e3c4 |
Example setup
Database user setup
The following SQL
script creates a dedicated database user for the engine application.
-- the use of 'noinherit' is regarded good practice, engine user privileges are obtained by explicit 'set role'
create role engine login password <pwd> noinherit;
grant create on database mydatabase to engine;
Please refer to the database setup example for the Read Model and history application for further details.
Docker configuration
# engine application (here is a sub-selection to get you started)
image: ghcr.io/noumenadigital/packages/engine:latest
- postgres_db
- "${ENGINE_PORT:-12000}:12000"
- "${ENGINE_ADMIN_PORT:-12700}:12700"
- "${ENGINE_MANAGEMENT_PORT:-12400}:12400"
ENGINE_DB_URL: "jdbc:postgresql://postgres_db/platform"
ENGINE_DB_SCHEMA: engine-schema
SWAGGER_ENGINE_ADMIN_URL: "http://localhost:12700/"
SWAGGER_ENGINE_MANAGEMENT_URL: "http://localhost:12400/"
ENGINE_ALLOWED_ISSUERS: "http://localhost:11000/realms/noumena"
# ...
For further configuration options, see environment variables.
A complete docker compose file example can be found here.
Health check
Once the engine application is deployed, you can test its healthcheck endpoint with:
curl localhost:12000/actuator/health
Swagger UI
You can explore the APIs provided by the engine application via Swagger UI, available at http://localhost:12000/swagger-ui/.